The Nova Scotia Curling Association strives to award its Championships to ensure the best possible playing conditions, superior hospitality and a friendly atmosphere for its members participating. To this end the NSCA has created the following set of General Hosting Guidelines. Many of these Guidelines will be critical to the successful hosting of an NSCA Championship.
All member clubs with available resources will be invited to host NS provincial championships and selection will be made by the Selection Committee for ratification by the NSCA Board of Directors. All completed applications received by the closing date specified will be considered by the Selection Committee. Hosts will be announced at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the NSCA.
The Selection Committee will base its decision upon the following criteria:
- The Club must be a member in good standing
- Quality of venue and Club technical information (provided by club)
- Ability of club to meet minimum requirements
- Number of sheets of ice
- Quality of playing Conditions
- Spectator seating
- Suitable Accommodations
- Availability of second club, if required
- Previous history of hosting provincial competitions
- Availability of timers, if required
- Willingness to adhere to sponsorship guidelines
- Number of hosting requests
The minimum number of sheets required for each championship is outlined under the NSCA Championships Quick Reference Guide on page 14.
Member Clubs with fewer sheets must secure the use of additional ice in a second Member Club that is located within fifty (50) kilometers of the Host Club. A second Member Club must sign the Co-Host Request Form on page 8, which must be returned to the NSCA office for the bid to be official.
Suitable accommodations must be available within 50 kilometers of the host club for competing teams, invited guests and expected spectators. The Comfort Inn as part of the Westmount Group should be utilized for accommodation when possible. The locations of Comfort Inns which are part of the Westmount Group are Amherst, New Glasgow, Sydney, Truro and Yarmouth. The 4 Points Sheraton in Halifax is a member of the Westmount Group so it should be the preferred accommodation for events in Metro.
Member Clubs must be prepared to relinquish the complete use of their clubrooms and ice shed to the championship during the full term of play. Use of vacant sheets of ice between draws will be at the sole discretion and approval of the Chief Umpire (Officiated Events) or NSCA Championship Liaison (Un-officiated Events).
Member Clubs wishing to host the Wheelchair, Stick and Masters Championships must be accessible.
While some events require more volunteers than others, there is a significant increase in the number of volunteers required for timed events and those requiring opening or closing ceremonies.
Annually the NSCA offers in excess of 25 provincial event hosting opportunities. These events are a great opportunity for Member Clubs to build relationships within your community and club. The anticipated hosting grants are calculated to account for the length of the event, expected number of teams, if it is a timed event and if an off ice function is required.
In 2014/15 we introduced a Hosting Grant Subsidy program that saw clubs get additional money to help support hosting efforts through an application process for such items as banquets, entertainment, additional hall rentals, and minor infrastructure investments. We would like each club to put forward their best effort in making these events an enjoyable and rewarding experience for all. This year we plan to continue with the Subsidy program. There will be a finite amount of funds available. Ask your Liaison for more details.
While the hosting grants are meant to support the hosting initiative they should not be your only source of revenue to the host club. We encourage clubs to be creative, sell local sponsorship, do 50/50 draws, sell food from your kitchen or canteen, and remind your local council of what a great corporate citizen you are by bringing 100’s of people to their community in the dead of winter. The economic impact of these events totalled over 1.3 million dollars last year. Councillors like numbers like that.
Member Clubs are permitted to charge admission fees at all Championship Events in accordance with the NSCA Entrance Fees Policy.
We know that the host club makes every effort to ensure the best possible playing conditions for the duration of the championship. Ice should be prepared well prior to the championship and maintained in top condition for the championship. Stones should be matched. The competitors must know any significant variation in stones or ice, on or between sheets, before play begins.
At the 2014 Annual General Meeting and again at a Players meeting in March 2015 the players of the Men’s and Women’s streams asked the NSCA to set some minimum standards for playing conditions. In general terms the players are looking for 3.5 to 4.5 feet of curl in all directions and for the ice to be 23-25 seconds Hog to Tee for the entire length of game. Please keep these standards in mind if you are interested in hosting an event that leads to an event under the Season of Champions of Curling Canada.
While this is a general standard, not all events are created equal: some styles of play have less ends, have less sweeping, or by design have more rocks in play and as such require different standards of preparation. We want to work with all our Member Clubs to help you give your best product to your membership.
In 2015/16 the NSCA initiated several measures:
- The NSCA formed an ice tech mentorship program under the direction of Jamie Bourassa, Level 5 Curling Canada ice tech.
- The NSCA will assess playing conditions for all Championships leading to a Season of Champions event of Curling Canada. The assessment will occur at a mutually agreed time (preferably a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the Championship) by a member of the NS Ice Tech Mentorship committee. (For complete clarity please reference the chart on page 15)
- At any time prior to the Championship the host club may request one of the members of this committee visit the club and consult on playing conditions.
- The NSCA Stones will be mandatory for use at some events (See Quick Reference on page 14). However, if a club feels that their stones are not up to it they may request the use of the NSCA stones for the Championship. The use is subject to availability and transportation arrangements. Where applicable, the NSCA Stones are not to be used for any purpose other than for the championship for which they are intended.
- The NSCA will be naming the Head Ice Technician for the Men’s and Women’s Provincial Championships, with a minimum certification of Level 3.
- The NSCA would like to see a minimum certification standard of the head ice techs for all our Championships and as such have created the suggested list on page 15.
Various NSCA policies and Guidelines are applicable for hosting events as well as for the conduct of the Championship. Some of these policies will require posting in a close proximity to the posted Draw Trees and Draw Schedules:
Note: The NSCA is currently reviewing the format of play and the timing of some of the Championship events. Should changes occur, the first consideration shall be made to the host club originally awarded the event.
Any Member Club applying to host an NSCA championship must agree to adhere to these guidelines. Any variance must have the prior approval of the NSCA.
The NSCA reserves the right to introduce a formal Hosting Contract for any of the Championship Events. This contract may introduce new clauses not previously covered in the current Hosting Guidelines. If introduced, contracts will be presented and signed prior to July 31st annually.
Member Clubs must be prepared to fully support and honour various NSCA Sponsorship exclusivity agreements which agreements may include, the placement of in-ice decals, the concealing, or removal of conflicting sponsors, and the exclusive use of sponsor products at some events.
In-ice sponsors’ decals WILL be required at all levels of competition leading to the following national championships: (The NSCA will determine the location and numbers of decals to be placed in the playing ice surface.)
- Men’s Provincial Championship
- Women’s Provincial Championship
- Men’s and Women’s Under 21 Junior Provincial Championship
- Travelers Club Championships
The following policies were referenced above and are available for download on